We keep our Classes focused on Age and Skill Level. Higher ranked students are allowed to participate in lower level classes for review, however lower ranked students are not permitted to attend advanced classes. We offer a wide variety of program options to fit almost any schedule and intensity of training you desire. Please schedule a visit to learn more about our programs.
Lil Dragons (Ages 3-5)
Have fun and burn energy! We want our students to grow up to be well mannered citizens. Lil Dragons learn physical, mental and social skills that are important for preschool age children. The program is designed to teach Self Confidence, Self Defense, Self Esteem, Discipline, and much more, all while having fun! We help shy children become confident and enthusiastic about learning while enhancing positive social development in a fun and motivating way. It Prepares children for entering our Kid's Class which is for ages 6 and up. All instructors are good positive role models well trained in working with children. We teach and improve focus and listening skills necessary for entering Kindergarten.
Lil’ Dragons will wear a Lil’ Dragon uniform and start with a white belt. After acquiring the proper skill they will advance through the ranks of gold, orange, purple, blue, green, brown, and black stripes that run down the middle of their white belt. Lil’ Dragons do not earn solid colored belts. Lil’ Dragons will eventually graduate into the Children's Karate program. This program teaches more than just martial arts. Lil Dragons learn Safety skills, Life skills and Martial arts techniques.
The Lil’ Dragons:
* Learn to share
* Develop speech and language
* Promote coordination and stamina
* Build fundamental learning skills
* Follow directions and Act respectfully
* Problem solve
* Show self-control
Classes are 30 minutes long, with 2 classes a week
Kenpo Kids (Ages 6-12)
In addition to effective self-defense skills and traditional empty hand Kata, We teach Kids to make wise choices, how to deal with peer pressure, build confidence, and develop leadership skills. All Students are separated by Skill Level, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. All Beginner Students start in our BASIC TRIAL PROGRAM. Students who progress well and show the potential for more intensive training may be recommended for either the Black Belt Club or the Masters Club.
Martial Arts IS NOT just or Kids! Our Adult Class is filled will adults of all ages from all areas of life. In addition to a great workout, Adults learn the reality of the shear effectiveness of Kenpo Karate! This Art is world renown for its effective, streetwise self defense skills and focus on improving movement and reaction in our students in addition to improving overall physical ability and tactical awareness. Our Adults fall into 3 main categories:
Basic (White, Yellow, Orange, Purple)
Advanced (Blues, Greens & Browns)
Black Belts - Only students who have earned a Black Belt Rank of Shodan or higher can attend the Black Belt Classes.